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Navigating Quiet Zones on the GCL

Did you know that under the Train Horn Rule of 2006, federal regulations require locomotive horns to be sounded for 15 to 20 seconds and not more than one-quarter mile in advance of entering public grade crossings? It’s true!

What is a quiet zone?

While the Train Horn Rule established the requirement for sounding of locomotive horns, another federal procedure implemented quiet zones. Localities that meet certain safety requirements can apply for a “Quiet Zone” segment of a rail line that has multiple crossings on a public highway. Upon meeting technical requirements, locomotive horns will not be routinely sounded within a quiet zone. 

How are quiet zones achieved?

Neighborhoods that want to establish a quiet zone are first required to address the heightened safety concerns resulting from the discontinuance of horn usage. Examples of these measures include:

  • Four-quadrant gates
  • Raised medians
  • One-way crossings
  • Crossing closure

What is a four-quadrant gate?

Safety is a top priority for the GCL. Four-quadrant gates will protect pedestrians and vehicle passengers. They block the road leading away from railroad tracks in both directions during a train crossing. Sidewalk crossings are barred with gates too. Why is this significant? It prevents people and cars from illegally trying to bypass the train tracks when an approaching train is coming from the distance.

Quiet Zones on the GCL

The GCL Project Team is committed to the design and future investment of the installation and maintenance of all Quiet Zone infrastructure along the GCL alignment. All grade crossings are being designed to accommodate quiet zone crossings through the installation of four-quadrant gates or the utilization of raised medians.

The communities along the corridor will benefit from Quiet Zones by achieving enhanced safety standards while reducing the need for train operators to sound horns in advance of the crossings.

The GCL Project Team is working with NJDOT and FRA to confirm the Quiet Zone designation process and related logistics. More information and details on the Quiet Zone will be addressed during PED and DBOM phases.

Example Quiet Zone Crossing with Safety Features

The video below shows a crossing in Anaheim, California, equipped with similar features planned for the GCL project. While the GCL will utilize shorter trains and faster gate operation for smoother traffic flow, the core safety principles remain the same.

Surveying in the Field: April 2024

Robinson Aerial Surveys and Colliers Engineering & Design (RAS/Colliers) are collaborating on a field survey project in Camden and Gloucester Counties. This initiative aims to precisely map the existing railroad right-of-way for the future Glassboro-Camden Line construction.

What We’re Doing

The crews will be carefully examining the right-of-way, recovering essential evidence such as monuments, bridges, structures, markers, and other identifiable points. This meticulous process allows for highly accurate plotting of the railroad boundaries.

What to Expect

Safety First:

  • All RAS/Colliers personnel have completed the mandatory CONRAIL Safety Training, ensuring their safety while working near the rail corridor.
  • Flaggers will be present to guide crews and maintain safety protocol.

Visible Crew Presence:

  • Crews will be readily identifiable in marked company vehicles (vans or pick-up trucks) displaying the RAS/Colliers name, logo, and contact details.
  • This work will not disrupt local traffic flow.

Survey Techniques:

  • Primarily, one- or two-person teams will utilize high-precision GPS receivers to pinpoint survey monuments and physical features in three dimensions. This method helps us accurately define the railroad property lines.

Minimal Fieldwork Impact:

  • Upon completion, the only trace of their presence might be occasional survey ribbon markers left behind for future reference, should the need arise to relocate specific features.

Project Transparency

RAS/Colliers is committed to keeping the community informed. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as these crews in the field continue working towards the next steps and advancement of the Glassboro-Camden Line project.

Photo gallery below:

Unpacking a DBOM Contract: A User-Friendly Guide

GCL will be delivered using a Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (DBOM) contract. This approach streamlines the project by combining design, construction, and ongoing maintenance under a single contractor. As we prepare for the next phase of the project, this page will help explain how a DBOM works.

How a DBOM Contract Works

Imagine you need a brand-new public park and want to see it constructed and opened as soon as possible. A DBOM contract is like hiring a one-stop shop to handle everything. Here’s how it works:

  • All in One: A single representative/entity assigned to take care of the entire project life cycle. They design, build, operate (run) the park, and maintain the project.
  • Think “Turnkey” Project: The representative/entity is responsible for delivering the finished park, ready for you to use, just like buying something “turnkey” – everything is included.

A breakdown of a DBOM example

1. Design: The representative/entity’s designer prepares engineering plans for the park, based on the owner’s needs and budget.

2. Build: The representative/entity manages construction, ensuring everything meets safety and quality standards.

3. Operate: Once built, the representative/entity runs the park, making sure it’s open, clean, and functioning properly.

4. Maintain: The representative/entity keeps the park in good shape through regular upkeep and repairs.

DBOM Benefits

  • Faster Completion: Having one DBOM representative/entity, that can handle everything, can streamline the process and lead to a quicker finished product.
  • Expertise: The representative/entity brings design, construction, and maintenance knowledge to the table.
  • Risk Transfer: The representative/entity takes on some of the risk for cost overruns or delays during construction so that it can manage them more efficiently than the owner.

Final Thoughts

  • Proposer Selection: Choosing a qualified and experienced Design-Build-Operate-Maintain team is crucial for a successful project. Curious to learn more about the DBOM model? Read more on the FHWA website.

GCL Trains

The GCL trains will revolutionize how commuters and travelers experience South Jersey. With comfort, safety, and ease of travel as top priorities, the GCL empowers you to choose how you spend your journey. Catch up on work, binge-watch your favorite show, or lose yourself in a captivating book – the possibilities are endless aboard the GCL trains.

Subsurface Exploration Program on the Road (Borings): What to Expect

In both the Camden and Gloucester County communities, Summit Drilling Company is on-site at different locations to take soil samples, using either a truck or track-mounted drill rigs. This work is being done to evaluate the ground conditions for the future construction of the Glassboro-Camden Line. While this work (borings) can cause temporary disruptions, understanding the process can ease concerns and help you navigate the situation safely.

Here’s what you can expect to see:


  • All required permits for this work will be in place, from agencies having jurisdiction.
  • The area is marked with cones, signs, and barriers to create a safe work zone, and traffic is rerouted around the work zone.
  • Crews are equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) such as reflective vests and hard hats.
  • Expect some noise and dust during this initial phase.

The Drilling:

  • Drilling can generate noise, vibrations, and dust. In some areas, traffic flow might be reduced or diverted to minimize disruptions.
  • Crews will take necessary precautions to manage dust, debris, and ensure safety for workers and pedestrians. All debris will be confined within the work zone.
  • Work will be typically performed between the hours of 7:00 AM and 3:30 PM.
  • Typically, each boring will require 1 to 3 days, depending upon the depth of the boring.


  • Once drilling is complete, the crew will backfill and restore the disturbed area back to a similar original condition.
  • Be aware of potential uneven surfaces or changes in road markings during the restoration phase.
  • Subsurface exploration work (borings) are due to be completed by June 2024.

Safety Tips:

  • Always obey traffic signs and directions from flaggers or law enforcement personnel.
  • Reduce your speed and maintain extra caution when driving adjacent to the work zones.
  • Be mindful of construction workers and their equipment.
  • If you have concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to contact the project authorities or local transportation department.

By staying informed and practicing caution, you can navigate these situations smoothly and safely.

Efficient Travel Solutions: Glassboro-Camden Line’s Future Platform Designs

The Glassboro-Camden Line (GCL) will revolutionize the South Jersey commuter experience as it restores passenger-rail service along an existing rail line. The GCL Project Team is committed to providing accessible rail service for all. In doing so, the GCL will have user-friendly stations located approximately every one-to-two miles along the line with two types of platforms: center and side platform.

Center platforms are designed with tracks on both sides, allowing trains to move simultaneously in opposite directions. Commuters will experience unparalleled ease with inbound and outbound trains efficiently stopping on opposite sides of the platform. This setup permits effortless transfers between sides, ensuring that passengers can change directions without the need to leave the platform.

Side platforms will feature tracks positioned between the platforms. Trains will move in opposite directions between the platforms, offering an alternative configuration to accommodate varying station layouts and space constraints. Side platforms present an effective solution in scenarios where space and track layouts need different arrangements.

“Many factors influence the type of platform a station will have,” stated Delaware River Port Authority Chief Engineer, Mike Venuto. “Throughout the preliminary engineering design phase, our team is meticulously exploring the complexities of these factors, including space availability, track layouts, and projected volume of commuters. Our primary goal is to optimize the station design to meet the diverse needs of the communities we serve.”

In alignment with the GCL’s commitment to inclusivity, all stations will be ADA-accessible, ensuring that every passenger can experience the convenience and comfort of rail travel. The GCL Project Team is dedicated to making the journey smooth and enjoyable for all.

For more information and updates on the GCL project, please visit

Glassboro-Camden Line Project: Paving the Way for a Better Future with Public Transportation

According to the American Public Transportation Association, every segment of society benefits from public transportation. The Glassboro-Camden Line (GCL), a proposed 18-mile passenger rail line between Glassboro and Camden, will revolutionize public transportation in South Jersey. The GCL will bring a myriad of benefits to the local community, and beyond, with a strong emphasis on economic growth, environmental preservation, and creating a more connected society.

Economic Benefits

Recent studies have shown that investing in public transportation brings substantial economic returns.  The GCL will build a stronger, more resilient economy while enhancing the quality of life in the communities it connects.

  • Every $1 invested in public transportation generates $4 in economic returns.
  • Every $1 billion invested in public transportation supports and creates more than 50,000 jobs.
  • Every $1 billion in federal highway and transit investment supports 13,000 jobs for one year.
  • Every $10 million in capital investment in public transportation yields $30 million in increased business sales.
  • Home values in areas located near high-frequency public transit performed 42% better than other areas.

Environmental Benefits

The GCL maximizes existing transportation assets while minimizing impacts to the environment. The GCL encourages a modal shift from auto to transit, which reduces traffic congestion and carbon emissions while also encouraging sustainable travel options. Key environmental benefits include:

  • 1 GCL train will accommodate 300 passengers who otherwise might be driving alone.
  • Public transportation’s overall effects save the United States 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline annually.
  • 1 in 4 households located near transit does not own a vehicle.
  • Communities that invest in public transit reduce the nation’s carbon emissions by 37 million metric tons annually.

Societal Benefits

The GCL offers reliable, convenient, and affordable passenger rail service that will connect people to opportunities throughout Camden and Gloucester counties. The GCL will create easy access to cultural, recreational, educational, economic, and medical resources on both sides of the Delaware River. Significant societal benefits include:

  • Offers mobility options to individuals without access to a vehicle.
  • GCL stations are located in existing communities with several walk-up stations.
  • Statistically, train-related accidents happen at a lesser rate and with much lower passenger fatality rates than car travel does.
  • Provides riders with convenient access to work, school, shopping, doctors, entertainment, and each other by removing barriers to access.
  • Read a book, prep for a meeting, study, or stare out the window and enjoy the ride; avoid the stresses of driving and regain your time.

For more information and updates on the GCL project, please visit

Glassboro-Camden Line Relaunches Project Website

The Glassboro-Camden Line (GCL) Project Team is excited to announce the release of a newly designed project website. The easy-to-navigate website’s goal is to create more engagement, transparency, and communication throughout the development of the train line while also offering valuable insights into the future of the transit system. 

The GCL is a proposed 18-mile passenger rail line between Glassboro and Camden in South Jersey and is currently in the preliminary engineering design phase. To ensure stakeholders and the community remain well informed and engaged, the project team is launching this user-friendly website, accessible to all interested parties. 

 Key Features of the GCL Website 

  • Better understand the GCL project, including the purpose, goals, route selection, stations, and more.  
  • Explore a detailed map that visually shows the GCL route through station locations, the communities along the corridor, and other local transit options.
  • Browse a document library and stay up to date with the latest project news and upcoming meetings. 
  • Access frequently asked questions, addressing common questions about the project and future train service.  
  • Sign up for the GCL email list to receive project information and updates. Submit questions and comments directly to the Project Team through the website.

By relaunching the GCL website, the Project Team hopes to reinforce its dedication to transparency and collaboration, creating an informed and engaged community throughout the entire design phase. The website will be continuously updated with the latest information, ensuring that stakeholders can actively participate in the project’s future. To explore the new GCL website, please visit

Shhh! You’re Entering a Quiet Zone!

To alleviate concerns about the noise levels associated with the new GCL, quiet zones are being coordinated along the alignment. What’s a quiet zone? It’s a section of the rail line where train horns do not routinely sound. This applies to freight and passenger trains alike.

Each GCL train will carry more than 300 commuters

By comparison, a bus accommodates 71 passengers, while a car transports an average of 3.

With less cars on the road, travel becomes faster, cleaner, and more efficient for all of us sharing South Jersey roads.

The GCL will consolidate commuters into one vehicle, reducing traffic jams and providing improved transportation options for those who live, work, and play in Camden and Gloucester counties, enriching the overall quality of life.