Smart Growth

Smart growth and the GCL (Glassboro-Camden Line) go hand-in-hand when it comes to creating more sustainable and livable communities within Camden and Gloucester counties.

What is “Smart Growth” and what does it mean for the GCL? 

What is smart growth? 

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, smart growth is defined as “an overall approach of development and conservation strategies that can help protect our health and natural environment and make our communities more attractive, economically stronger, socially diverse, and resilient to climate change.” There are ten basic principles to guide strategies for smart growth, and fortunately for area residents, the GCL overwhelmingly checks the boxes. 

How does the GCL promote smart growth? 

The GCL supports smart growth strategies for communities along the route in many ways. Here are some examples of how it applies:

The GCL’s high passenger capacity will encourage people to leave their cars at home, leading to fewer cars and less traffic on the roads. This aligns with smart growth principles of promoting alternative transportation options and reducing dependence on personal vehicles.

The GCL increases public transportation accessibility and options, a core tenet of smart growth. This fosters a more connected community and allows residents who may not own cars to get around more easily. This can lead to increased economic opportunities and an improved quality of life for all. With more options for transportation, this also keeps costs down and increases cost effective development along the corridor, another facet of smart growth. Lastly, the GCL will be ADA-compliant, providing transportation to people along the corridor who may otherwise have mobility issues. 

The GCL stations act as hubs around which development can be concentrated. This promoted mixed-use areas with housing, businesses, and amenities within walking distance, two key aspects of smart growth. People can access necessities without needing to drive long distances. This also drives development towards the existing communities, which in turn promotes smart growth. 

Throughout the GCL planning process, the public has been engaged in numerous ways, whether through large-scale public meetings or smaller concentrated stakeholder discussions. These conversations will continue as the GCL progresses through construction and beyond, ensuring the community has a substantive voice in deciding where and how future development should occur.