Get Involved

Be a part of history by getting involved with the GCL project. This monumental undertaking will benefit thousands of commuters, link South Jersey to the broader region, and provide reliable, affordable, and accessible public transportation.

Get Involved

Similar to the way PATCO invigorated towns along its path, the GCL will revitalize the communities along its route. Public transit options are the key to a more connected future in Camden and Gloucester counties, and it’s thrilling to have you aboard.

Show your support for the project. There are many ways to get involved.

  • Follow GCL on social media and use #discovergcl and #ridegcl in your own posts.
  • Sign up for email updates.
  • Write letters to your elected officials and local representatives about your support of the GCL.

Find more information through the following resources:

Project Materials

Social Media

Connect with the Project Team on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Express your support by following, sharing, and liking GCL-related content. Help spread the exciting news by sharing accurate information about the project on your own social media accounts.

Email List

Subscribe to the GCL email list and receive the latest news and project updates right in your inbox.

Project Information Hotline

No internet access? Not a problem! Call the 24/7 GCL project information hotline at (856) 595-4GCL. The hotline provides a recorded message with the project information. In addition, callers are able to leave a message for the GCL Project Team.


Public transportation offers many benefits. Check out these statistics from the American Public Transportation Association and the National Association of Realtors!

  • Every $1 invested in public transportation generates $4 in economic returns.
  • Every $1 billion invested in public transportation supports and creates more than 50,000 jobs.
  • Every $1 billion in federal highway and transit investment supports 13,000 jobs for one year.
  • Every $10 million in capital investment in public transportation yields $30 million in increased business sales.
  • Home values in areas located near high-frequency public transit performed 42% better than other areas.
  • 1 GCL train will accommodate 300 passengers who otherwise might be driving alone.
  • Public transportation’s overall effects save the United States 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline annually.
  • 1 in 4 households located near transit does not own a vehicle.
  • Communities that invest in public transit reduce the nation’s carbon emissions by 37 million metric tons annually.
  • The GCL will maximize existing transportation assets while minimizing impacts to the environment.
  • Transit for All — Offers mobility options to individuals without access to a vehicle.
  • Promotes Healthy Lifestyles —  GCL stations are located in existing communities with several walk-up stations.
  • Safer than Driving —  Statistically, train-related accidents happen at a lesser rate and with much lower passenger fatality rates than car travel does.
  • Connecting People —  To work, school, shopping, doctors, entertainment, and each other by removing barriers to access.
  • Improves Commuter Productivity — Read a book, play on the phone, prep for a meeting, cram for a test, or stare out the window; avoid the stress of driving and regain the time.
  • Safety Enhancements – Safety improvements will include traffic calming measures, sidewalk enhancements, lighting and security features, and intersection alterations executed with the intent of reducing accidents and keeping pedestrians and property safe.

With less cars on the road, travel becomes faster, cleaner, and, arguably, more efficient. How many passengers does each mode of transportation accommodate?

Capacity Test
Up to 30071 on average*3 on average**1

*Average based on NJ TRANSIT, SEPTA, MTA (NY), and DART (DE) bus capacities.
**Average based on four-person sedan vs. typical SUV model.